At IdeatoApp, we make sure the process is very clear from the start.
a. We start by scheduling a free consultation and signing a Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA). The NDA will serve as an official agreement that prohibits us from using or distributing what you share with us during the consultation. That way, you can rest assured that your idea is safe with us.
b. We meet to discuss your idea, the problem you’re trying to solve, potential customers, business plan, and the quickest and most economical way to test the market.
c. You will receive your free design sample 2 weeks after the consultation.
If you like what you see and would like to pursue the idea, we meet again to finalize requirements and sign the agreement.
a. As soon as requirements are set, we proceed to design the full User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI). Design phase is expected to take between 1 month.
b. During this time, we will be emailing you regularly to update you on progress and ask you for feedback. This is the right time to ask for revisions.
c. Development starts after designs are approved. Development and testing take between 3-5 months depending on the complexity of the app. During this time, we will be sending you weekly reports and meeting with you on a monthly basis.
d. Upon completion of development, we sit for a final meeting to present the full functional, tested app.
e. We hand it over for your personal testing.
f. After your approval, we help you publish the app to Apple's App Store or Android’s Play Store. Note that you will need to register an account on both stores before publishing. For Apple’s App Store, the fee is 99$/year, as for Android’s Play Store, it’s a one-time payment of 25$.
We give a 3 months free maintenance period after the app is published.