I’ve been thinking about my first app a lot lately, trying to reverse engineer it and figure out why it never took off. During one of my latest sessions, I stumbled upon a very simple but eye-opening fact: people go through pain if and only if the reward is worth it to them.
This is pretty intuitive, and applies to all areas of our lives. Everything we do, everything, is in anticipation of some kind of reward. What happens when the reward is not worth the pain? The action isn’t worth it anymore.
Your app has the potential to succeed if and only if User Reward > User Pain.
Forms of User Reward:
Forms of User Pain:
As founders, we usually evaluate our products with bias. We tend to think our products are more rewarding and less painful than they actually are, mainly because we’ve been living with them and thinking about them for a very long time. This causes us to give the reward-pain equation less attention than it deserves.
Whether you have a product in the market or just starting out with an idea, seek feedback from your potential customers and make sure you listen, really listen, to what they have to say.
Good news is digital products are easy to tweak for the most part, and small changes here and there can make a huge difference.